BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund

Please punctuate your entries and do not use BLOCK CAPITALS
* required fields

Company information
Brand name *
Company name
(If different from BRAND name)

Registration number *
Address line 1 *
Address line 2
Address line 3
City *
Postcode *
Country *
Telephone *
Number of years in business *
Product category: *
Ready - to - Wear
Please upload a PDF look book from your latest collection (Maximum file size is 10MB) *
Number of full time employees *
Current Organisation Structure Including employees and roles, consultants, advisors and professional organisations you work with *
Company Ownership *
Designer information
First name *
Surname *
Gender *
Direct email *
PA email *
Mobile number *
Design training *
Designer 2 (if applicable)
First name
Direct email
PA email
Mobile number
Design training
Type of manufacturing *
Details of Manufacturer (s)*
Country of manufacturing*
Manufacturing Quality Referee (Current Stockist) *
Full name *
Company *
Title *
Email *
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