The British Fashion Council (BFC) is activating a long-term plan to create a more diverse and equitable fashion industry. As part of a number of measures we are taking in our commitment to advocate for positive change, we would appreciate your time in completing the below information so we are able to monitor engagement and representation across our education networks.

These ethnic groups do not represent how all people identify. We encourage applicants to write in their ethnicity using their own words if they do not identify with any groups on the list.

Please indicate your ethnicity group*

Under the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act, this could be a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out day to day activities (e.g. dyslexia, hearing/visual impairments, mental health issues, epilepsy and cancer)


  • Please compress your file to a smaller size if it is larger than 25MB
  • Please do not submit any work using expiring links (WeTransfer)
  • Present your most recent work first and the oldest work towards the back
  • Present in a simple format
  • Think practically about the easiest way to show the work
  • Make sure the work in your portfolio is 100% yours, and if it is not label it accordingly
  • Include design development process as well as finished product
  • Include hand drawn work, mood boards, fabric swatches, as well as imagery of the final product

BFC Institute of Positive Fashion

The BFC's commitment to climate action is exemplified by the Institute of Positive Fashion (IPF), the engine for industry change. In order to accelerate outcomes, the IPF works with industry, government, academia and other stakeholders across a global network. In line with UN goals, the British Fashion Council is developing a 10-year strategy through the IPF to reduce climate and societal impact. The IPF is centred around three pillars, the BFC encourages students to consider environmental impacts throughout their design process. Please click here to visit the Institute of Positive Fashion website and learn about the pillars.


As part of the Scholarship application process you are required to disclose any financial information that may support your submission.


Please provide two referees’ contact details. One of these must be an academic referee. Please note that you do not need to send us a reference from these referees, however these people may be contacted by the BFC Education Team.




Applicant Acknowledgement

By completing the online form and ticking the box, I agree to have read and understood the terms of entry and will accept that the decisions made by the judging panel are final. 

The information supplied in this application is used by the judging panel under Confidentiality Agreement to make decisions. If chosen as a shortlisted candidate for the BFC Foundation Scholarship, there may be opportunity to be interviewed, photographed and/or filmed throughout the application process and to execute all agreements and/or releases which may be required in connection therewith, and that my application, including personal data, will be shared within the BFC for the purposes of education support and to inform me of future opportunities. The BFC will ask for your permission at relevant points throughout the process for your consent. 

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the British Fashion Council will never use your personal data in a way that you have not consented to. Further information about the British Fashion Council’s Data Policy can be found here:



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