The inaugural Fashion Run created by Nick Ede is supporting the British Fashion Council Foundation takes place between Friday 18th and Tuesday the 22nd of September, London Fashion Week.
Anyone who loves the fashion world, from designers, brands, make-up artists, influencers, hair stylists, models, stylists and fashion lovers everywhere will be encouraged to take part in the 5K run. Funds raised by the participants will be used to support the UK fashion industry via the British Fashion Council Foundation. Runners will then have the option to select one other charity to support from their sponsor donations; the list of charities chosen for this year’s race are: MTV Staying Alive, Mermaids, Wild At Heart Foundation, Chickenshed Theatre, Rays Of Sunshine, AKT, Diana Award, Dress For Success, Great Ormond Street and The Stroke Association.
Tapping into a global trend for running, sports-luxe fashion and the outdoor fitness boom we have seen as a result of the lockdown, the event provides a perfect opportunity for fashionistas to engage in a bit of fitness led philanthropy, supporting the industry they love.
A one-off payment of £25 will be required covering the 25% donation to the British Fashion Council Foundation and a Fashion Run 2020 pack which will consist of an exclusive t-shirt designed by iconic fashion designer Julien Macdonald in conjunction with Hit + Run the ethically sourced t-shirt company, and other goodies.
Its all about Fashion, Fitness and Fundraising. Simply
1.Sign Up
2.Glam Up
3. Run
@FashionRun and #FashionRun2020 to share your stories.
To sign up click on the link
Caroline Rush CBE, Chief Executive of the British Fashion Council said “The Fashion Run creates something positive, proactive and fun and is designed to give back to the industry. Funds raised will be used to support brands and fashion talent all over the country. It is something we should all get involved with and I can’t wait to celebrate fitness, fashion and fundraising in a year that has been difficult and challenging for all of us.”
Nick Ede, founder of the Fashion Run also commented “I designed the Fashion Run to help inject a dose of positivity into 2020. We’re so happy to be partnering with Caroline Rush and the British Fashion Council on the first ever Fashion Run. We hope to see all of you out, looking fabulous and taking part to support a great cause… and perhaps get a little fitter in the process. Charities up and down the country have been effected by Covid-19 and if the Fashion Run can help people then let it’s all about the three f’s Fashion, Fitness and Fundraising.”