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University of South Wales

BA(Hons) Fashion Design at the University of South Wales offers experience of the fashion industry beyond the university environment. Our students engage in a research and process-driven approach to solve complex design issues, nurturing innovation and creativity through digital and physical realisation. Our student-centred approach focuses on developing strenghts, skills and capabilities for life after graduation. We scored 100% student satisfaction NSS and rated top in the UK for teaching and assessment satisfaction across fashion and textile courses. (Guardian League tables). 

We advocate an anti-elitist and inclusive approach to fashion, seeking to challenge the problematic elements of the industry whilst honouring fashion’s potential to be radical, thought-provoking, innovative and embracing of the full spectrum of humanity. We educate change-makers. Our graduates are using fashion as a vehicle to address disability politics, racial inequality, garment worker’s rights and environmental issues.

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