The Devil Really Does Wear Prada

Alexander Bowyer

Location: London, United Kingdom
University/College: Kingston University Specialisms: Menswear
Specialising in menswear and tailoring, I am always looking at how to push menswear forwards whilst paying homage to tradition. For my graduate collection, ‘The Devil Really Does Wear Prada’, I look to the trading floors of Wall Street for the built shoulders and powerful pinstripes. Exploring tailoring at its most intimidating, I take inspiration from the cults that emerged at the top of the financial world behind the closed doors of boardrooms. Building upon this narrative of Satanic cults I develop how indoctrination festers and consumes. I wanted to stay true to my own minimalistic design style whilst having features of intense detail and craft. With hints of Catholic iconography, I use hand embroidery techniques to depict original designs that fuse the duality of cults and religion.


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