Femme Like You

Marjane Butt

Location: Bournemouth, United Kingdom
University/College: Arts University Bournemouth Specialisms: BA (Hons) Fashion
Parisien Demographic contrasts the grunge and romanticism that can be experienced when travelling only a few stops on the Paris Metro. It notes working class presence as a true contribution to the romance of the city and draws on this authenticity in a modest wear collection. It explores the juxtaposition of Parisian chic with the lower demographic of the suburbs. It contrasts carved and polished stone, to curved metro seats that prevent homeless sleeping; historic artifacts contrasted to torn and vandalised posters; well-watered flowerpots and clean cobbled streets, to broken shopping trollies, graffiti and pollution. The type of people I have observed in these areas can be just as fascinating as their environment. This collection addresses both sides.


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